Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Starting a Blog with Blogger

I have a friend who wants to have a blog and they want some help with getting it started. So I am going to make a blog post for them about doing that.

You will need a Google account. If you don't already have one a page for you to do that will come up as you follow the instructions.

Go to the Google web page.
By default my Google web page is but if you are in another country you probably have a slightly different address.

Click on the nine box square.

A box will open. Click "more" at the bottom of the box.

Find this icon and click on it.

You will most likely get a page with animation. There will be an orange button at the top centre of the screen with some text. The orange button says, "CREATE YOUR BLOG".

Click on the orange button that says, "CREATE YOUR BLOG".

If you don't already have a Google Account, a page will come up that you can use to create one.

If this is the page that comes up, create your account or sign in. Once you create your account or sign in or already have an account the next screen you see will have this box on it.

Enter a title for your blog on the first line where it says, "title". You can put anything you want for a title. I don't know if you can change it later.

In the next line enter and address for your blog. The extension "" will automatically be entered. Your address name must be unique. If that name is already being used you will be notified to change it. When you have a unique name, you will be told that and you can continue.

Choose one of the templates below. Then click on the orange button on the lower right that says, "Create blog."

Once you have done that you will go to the overview page. From the overview page you can make blog posts, change the look of your blog, add pages to your blog, add gadgets to your blog and generally manage your blog.

Blogger has help features to walk you through doing things with your blog. I will go into some basics in another post but in the meantime see if you can figure things out on your own.

If your language is not English, you can probably change your Blog to your language. To do that follow these steps.

In the upper right corner find this and click on it.

A page that looks like this will come up.

Click on the box in the upper right that has a language name in it. A list of languages will open.

The languages are listed in English. Find your language and click on it. Blogger will change to that language.

I'll have more to say on this when my friend has gone through this and asked me more questions.

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Holocaust Monument Under Construction August 28, 2016

I went downtown today to take pictures of the Canadian Firefighters Memorial, and while there I took some pictures of the Holocaust Monument's construction. As the site is fenced in with dark cloth on most of the fence my photographic technique consisted of holding the camera above my head over the fence, pointing it in the general direction of what I wanted to photograph, taking the picture and hoping for the best. I am not party to the plan so I have no comments to add to the pictures.

Monday, August 08, 2016

Another Bench Mark — This one's in Carleton Place

I was in Carleton Place photographing their cenotaph. They have a very nice one. I noticed that, now familiar, block of concrete and went over to look closer and photograph it.

444.904 FEET

No 1988

Sunday, August 07, 2016

Carleton Place Navy League Anchor

I went to Carleton Place on Sunday, August 7, to photograph memorials. It turned out the anchor in front of the Navy League of Canada building on John Street, didn't have a plaque or anything like that anywhere near it. I have to conclude it's not there as a memorial. I photographed it anyway and I'm putting the pictures here.

Tuesday, August 02, 2016

The Blank Memorial in Renfrew

In Renfrew, near the swinging bridge there stands a cairn like structure. On one side of it there are two framed areas that are recessed and have holes in them that look like they held bolts or rods at one time. It looks like they should hold two plaques, but the structure has no plaques. What could this structure commemorate?


Monday, August 01, 2016

Renfrew Benchmark

The term, "benchmark", has come to have many meanings. In this post we use the original meaning for it, "a surveyor's mark on a permanent object of predetermined position and elevation used as a reference point." These benchmarks exist in many places. The one pictured here occupies a place on the grounds of the Renfrew Town Hall on the northeast corner of Raglan Street South and Railway Avenue in Renfrew, Ontario.

424.892 FEET

No 1980